If you like me when you started collecting coupons you have a mess, some are cut, some not, some you know your not going to use and don't know what to do with them. I started out with just 5 or 6 sets of inserts a week, after I got the hang of it I moved to ordering 10 of each a week and just upped myself to 20 each a week and that will be the most I get. But I no longer cut them all out anymore I file them by insert and when a deal pops up I can cut just the coupons I will use. Most of the deals I find tell me exactly what coupon in what insert by date so I have mine labeled Redplum 4/17 so I know if their is a coupon I'm looking for in a redplum insert on the April 17th I can pull it out flip through clip it and put it in my binder. This saves me time and I stay organized so I don't have a mess. I have also been E-mailing companies again to get coupons. Yesterday SC Johnson sent me a booklet with some coupons in it. I will be compiling a list of all the companies that I e-mail that actually send me stuff so you can also e-mail them as well and see what you get. I also E-mailed Tidy Cat a few weeks ago they sent me 2 $2.00 off any size cat litter coupons (no I don't have a cat Noah uses cat litter for oil dry) These coupons are perfect right now 10 lb bags are $1.67 at Walmart so not only will you get 2 bags free you will get a overage to use on something else. Enjoy your Friday and I will get that list together and post it this evening for everyone.
Happy Shopping :)
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