Monday, July 18, 2011

Shopping for School Supplies

It is that time of year again!  School time, I have 3 kids and 2 of them are in school I'm very excited to see them go back to school.. LOL... But back to school time is so exspensive, book rental $110.00 each kid, Lunch $1.60 each kid per day, plus new school clothes and school supplies... This year I'm going to attempt to get school supplies under $20.00 for both kids not including their backpacks... School clothes I'm not really worried about my parents take them every year and get them a good amount of school clothes.  I have made a list of things that your children will need for school and have included links to coupons so you can get the supply part Cheap or my favorite FREE!!!!

Scotch Tape, stick Glue and much more   Print this page of coupons FYI you can print it many times  the Scotch tape will be FREE at Wal-mart now I don't know of any kids that need Scotch tape at school but I know Santa uses a lot of tape!!! and I will be getting lots of FREE tape for that reason... I'm also an avid scrapbooker so any craft supplies I get Super cheap or FREE goes for that to!!!

Bic Pens   Print this $1/2 packages of Bic Pens and take them to Target where they are $.50 a bag or price match Targets ad at Walmart and get FREE Pens!!

Elmers Glue Xtreme glue stick  I printed this a while back so I'm not sure if it is still good or not but I checked the price at Walmart it is $1.98 so after coupon it is $.98 a stick... I personally didn't think that was super cheap but they are the bigger sticks so they would probably last longer.

#2 pencils you can FREE everyplace especially this time of year!! Fair time What do businesses give away on their tables at the fair as advertisements Pencils and I just happen to have a few boxes of National Guard pencils my wonderful husband brought home :)  If you go to any of the Fair's stop by the Fire Department booth, State police booth they always have pencils!!!

Notebook and Folders are usually found for around $.05 and $.10 each so that is a great deal even with out a coupon!!! and I recommend when you find them this cheap you stock up on them everyone can always use a Notebook and who knows when you child will come home with a folder that got ripped and if that happens in the middle of the school year you will have to pay between $.60 to $2.00 to replace it.... ( I know not a lot of money but more than you should have to pay)

Crayons, Markers and Colored Pencils,  I e-mailed Crayola and told them how much I love their products!! Normally when I do this I receive a large amount of coupons in the mail for that product!  It never hurts to email the company!

Post Its   if you kid needs Post it notes sign up for the Post it perks program you will frequently receive emails with coupons!! (great program for teachers to use to)

Expo Markers   Like Expo Markers on facebook!  They ofter offer coupons for Dry Erase Markers!!

These are just a few I could find this week!!! Remember you don't have to buy all the supplies at the same time!  go pick up the ones that are super cheap or FREE and Keep looking for coupons and sales for the rest a few days before school starts go pick up what you haven't been able to find super cheap or FREE and I'm going to bet they will be even cheaper or on clearance by then!!!

Happy Shopping!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday's Freebies

Free Subscription to Shutterbug Magazine

Vocalpoint Free Salad mix and Salad Clip

Free Subscription of Car and Driver

Plum District has a HOT deal today and these ALWAYS sell out quickly:  You can get a $30 Totsy voucher for just $15!  To sweeten the deal, there’s a promotional code which will give you an additional $10 off, so it’s just $5!  (Thanks Heather!)  I used my last Totsy voucher to get my kids $30 in Melissa & Doug toys and all I had to pay for was shipping!
If you’re not familiar with Totsy, they offer discounted children’s clothing, accessories, gear, toys, and more!  You can check them out here.  I just posted here yesterday about a cute diaper bag that I think could double as a coupon bag!
1.  Click here to take advantage of this Plum District Deal
2.  Enter the code plumbzz at check-out to save $10 – your total will be just $5 after this discount!  If you are signing up for the first time, you should have received a $5 credit, so it would be FREE after the credit.  NOTE:  Some people are reporting that you only get the credit if you are referred by e-mail.
3.  Once you receive your Totsy voucher (it usually takes 24 hours for it to be activated), you can log into your account here.
Here’s “the fine print” on this deal:
-Must be redeemed by 9/12/2011
-Limit 1 per household
-No cash back if full voucher is not used

I have ordered from both!!! They are great companies!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Tip of the Day!!!

If you use a coupon binder at the front of the book put a plastic page cover and type up a list of things you usually need that takes a size and you can never remember what kind to get such as Vacuum cleaner bags.. I have 2 Vacuums I always know when I'm out yet when I go to the store and remember I need them I never know what size to get and usually guess and get the wrong one... So now I put it in my binder if I need vacuum bags I know to go to the front of my binder and their it is.  no more store returns!!! This will also work if you do your own car repairs and are always looking in the giant book in automotive for sparkplugs, oil filters.  just look in the book once write it down when you get home type it up, put it in your book and you have it!!! Great time saver!!!