Monday, June 13, 2011

Newton's Fruit thins

ok so I'm not a fig newton person at all I have had maybe 2 in my entire life!  I don't like the taste or texture of them. So when Marsh did Triple coupons I had some coupons for the new Newton's fruit thins I got a package Free with the coupon so I picked a package up.. They have been in the top of my pantry for the past 3 weeks lol I haven't even thought about opening them until today when I was looking for a snack between lunch and dinner.. I have been trying to drop about 60 lbs so I don't eat a lot of junk food, I buy it but hubby eats the majority of it followed by the kids. I watch what I eat so snooping through the pantry I find the Newton Fruit thins I pull them off the top shelf (that is where you have to keep the good stuff when you have kids lol)  look at the nutritional facts.  140 calories for 3 cookies and 5 grams of fat not to bad the cookies are pretty big but really thin.. And let me tell you they are really tasty I pulled 3 cookies out of the package I figure if I don't like them then one of the kids will eat them.. well the kids didn't get any lol... So if you looking for a good cookie that tastes great and isn't really going to pack on the pounds unless you eat the whole package that is.  Go buy a package of Newton Fruit Thins.... oh and if you want to share them with your kids they would be great to put into lunches!!!