Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Kroger Trip!

I went to Kroger last night because I knew the Healthy Harvest Pasta was part of the Mega Sale Kroger was having.. Mega Sale meaning for every 10 items you buy you get $5.00 off.  Making the pasta .49 a box.  In the January 23, 2011 SmartSouce coupon insert that comes in the paper their were coupons for the Healthy Harvest Pasta the coupon was $1.00/2  boxes I had 6 coupons that is 12 boxes of pasta combined with the Mega Sale all FREE!  I wanted to get the most of it Also I seen Red Gold Tomatoes were part of the Mega sale and buying 10 Items got them for .49 each as well I went to Red Golds website and printed 2 .50/2 cans Red Gold diced tomato coupons. My Kroger doubles so that would make all 4 cans Yes FREE.  After I got to the store other kinds of Pasta were Mega sale to so before I left the house I printed two more of the Healthy harvest coupons from their website. I also had 6 coupons for $1/1 box Garden Delight I grabbed 6 of them they were also Mega sale but since I didn't have 10 of them they were on sale for .99 a box so Yes all 6 were FREE!  I also had 5 coupons for save $1/2 boxes of the ronzoni Smart taste giving me 10 FREE boxes of pasta so all in all I got 32 boxes of  FREE Pasta and 4 cans of RedGold tomatoes for FREE and actually my receipt the store owed me .36 but Kroger unlike Wal-mart does not give overage so I told him he could keep it.  LOL I mean really it was .36 I could of grabbed a pack of gum to suck up the overage but I did get 36 Items totally free. I was so excited when I left I had a 100% savings on my receipt and got $68.50 worth of food for FREE!   It just goes to show it does pay to get more than one paper or order more than one coupon insert, It doesn't happen often that you get the whole bill for free but I am stocked up enough on no perishable foods that when I do my grocery shopping all I need to buy is Meat, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. so a once $400.00 a month grocery bill is now down to around $30.00 a week and I only get the other things when it is cheap or FREE and if I find a sale like the pasta sale that is a perfect stock up Price FREE.. LOL also the .49 a box isn't bad either considering that it is normally around $1.84 for the Healthy Harvest.  But using your coupons you should save a minimum of 50% off your grocery total!!!

Happy Shopping!