Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Don't Fret the Sweat!!!

Just received my box of Dove deodorant and body spray from  Don't fret the sweat is the program they are doing to help tweens understand when they need to start using deodorant and when they start to smell!!!   I can't wait to share this with some of Allison's little friends and see what they think!!! and if you haven't already you need to sign up with she speaks and apply for product testing and parties they are lots of fun and you get to try so much new stuff :) 

The coupon Job

My 7 year old asked me yesterday mom can I help you at your "coupon job"? I kind of just laughed at first because I wasn't even doing anything with my coupons.  But as the day went on I kept thinking about what she said "coupon job"  she had one thing right couponing is a job if you want to maximize your savings in every way.  It is defiantly not for everyone. It takes time, one to acquire the coupons either your taking time to go to the store and get a bunch of newspapers, or finding them online to order or even digging in the dumpster for them.  All time consuming and then you have to search for the deals which takes me between one hour to 4 hours depending on if I do my own match ups or if I find one of my reliable sites to check.  Most of the time I use a site.  Then after you find the deals you clip the coupons you need and file them in your binder.  I keep my inserts by date and type in a file cabinet if you clip all the coupons and file them each week that takes even more time.  So I think she is right it is a job, but it is a fun Job and in the end you kind of get paid for it with your savings.  So every time you go to the store and save you can say oh look I make $54.00 today!  :)