Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Noah's Walmart Trip

I sent Noah to Walmart to pick up a few things he did very very well!!! :)  He is learning!  Here is what he got and what Coupons were used to get the deal!!!

1 Glade Spray $2.50...... Used a coupon I got Mailed from liking glade on Facebook made it FREE
4 Travel Tide  $.97 each .... Used 4 $1.00 off any tide they mailed me making all 4 FREE + $.12 overage
7   3 pack Ivory soap $.97 Each.... Used 7 $1.00 off any Ivory soap from the 5/1 P&G insert Making all 7 FREE +  $.21 overage
5 Reach Dental floss $.88 each used 5 $1.00 off any Listerine product from the 4/17 SS insert Making all 5 Free + $.60 Overage
6 Noxema Bakini Shavers $1.97 Each used 6 $2.00 off Noxema Shaver coupons from the 5/1 SS insert Making them all FREE +  $.18 overage
and 2   20 oz cokes not pictured Noah took them to work lol $1.28 each I cashed in my coke rewards points for a bunch of free 20 oz coke coupons so both were FREE

Total before Tax 32.44 
After Coupons:  -1.99 (because of the overage)
Tax $2.20
the Overage covered part of the tax so the final cost was $.21 paid with a quarter and getting change Can't beat that!!!

Total savings $32.23  a 99% savings!