Sunday, February 27, 2011

Another Good Find At Walgreens

Walgreens is having a really good sale this week I found one thing I will be going back to get a lot more of I wasn't sure how it was going to work when I went to the store so I just took one coupon to see how it worked. but It turned out very nice :) I have a husband that every week says he is either out of body wash or deodorant so I'm trying to stock a lot so I don't have to keep going out and buying it and I found a good deal at Walgreens! 

Walgreens has Gillette Deoderant and Bodywash Buy one get one 50% off in todays coupons their is a coupon for Gillette that is buy one Gillette deodorant, get one Gillette bodywash free.  so I grab a deodorant and a body wash go to the check out with my coupon and I got them both for $2.25.  The body wash ended up being free and the deodorant 1/2 price and I saved $6.74. the body wash is a big bottle. So I will be going back for a lot more this week lol...

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