Tuesday, February 8, 2011


If you want to save money in the grocery store you need to print coupons from the internet along with getting the ones from the Sunday Paper... If you have a family of 5 like I do get a cheap laser printer Believe me in the long run you will save a ton on ink.... Below is a list of good coupons I have found.


www.gomeat.com  Vote for your favorite sandwich and you will get to print a $2.00 off coupon for hillshire farm meat. 

www.coupons.com great source for coupons!   The great thing about coupons.com if you change the zip code you get some different coupons that pop up!  Right now their is a Muir Glen tomatoe coupon for $.75 off one can.  Muri Glen tomatoes cost .96 a can at walmart making a can of tomatoes .21 each not a bad deal :)

www.coolsavings.com also a good source to print coupons

http://www.redplum.com/ you can print coupons from

http://www.smartsource.com/smartsource/index.jsp?Link=5S2ZUA6PWPEPO (coupon printing site)

facebook is also a great place to get coupons I will up date the pages that give coupons as I find them and like free stuff if you see it print it then or you may not get it.

And last but not least if you really love coupons take the time to email the companies of the things you like!  just a simple my family loves your product we eat it a few times as week and we love it.  thank you for the great product.  Most companies will mail you a coupon or several coupons or a coupon for a free product I will post a list later of all the companies I have gotten coupons from through the mail! and its a long one!

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