Sunday, March 6, 2011

Why the free Stuff

I get asked a lot why get all those free samples?  Do you use them? I've heard it all even if they don't ask me directly I know some think its just junk mail.  I'm going to say I have gotten free samples for about 10 years or longer and I keep a basket I drop them in under my bathroom sink, I used to have a rubber maid drawer system with 3 draws that was full but a month before little Noah was born Noah got laid off and not only did I not have to buy soap, shampoo, tooth paste or pads for the time he was laid off we were not having to come up with extra money to buy those things.  If you ever have to go without something you appreciate those things a lot more. Saving money isn't something that people without money do, their are several Millionaires that are very frugal. Bill Gates wife has said they can not pay full price for anything!  Tyra Banks is known to stock up on Hotel soaps, Toby McGuire grew up poor and now has a hard time spending his money.  So if you come across those people that give you a hard time just think if its good enough for Bill Gates its good enough for me :) I kind of also have the feeling that the people that feel this way are jealous, either they don't have the 10 min a day I take to request the samples or print a few coupons. Or they came from money and think it will always be their because they have savings. What ever the reason, I will still get my samples, still share my tips, tricks and ideas... Happy Sunday!! Yeah its coupon day!!!

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