Friday, April 1, 2011

Wonderful Idea!

I read lots and lots of posts, forums, e-mails, and blogs and I want to share an idea I found a few days ago that I think is a wonderful Idea and could benefit anyone.  I read a story about a woman who set up her own Christmas Savings plan but not at a bank she bought a Wal-mart gift card and put just $5.00 on it, now every time she goes into Wal-mart and buys something she adds $5.00 to it. I thought this is a wonderful Idea and you wouldn't have to do it at Wal-mart. Target has gift cards even Kohls has gift cards.  or even a prepaid Visa would be a good idea. You wouldn't even have to do it for a Christmas savings plan what if you wanted something like a new TV but didn't want to charge it so you get the gift card and put on it what you can afford every time you go into that store.  Your saving money for something you want and not going into debt for it.  Now if only them car dealerships would have gift cards.  :) 

Happy Shopping   :)

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